Astrology Based on
Birth Chart

Predictions based on astrology will be calculated using birth charts and planet transits.


It is an extremely ancient and conventional astrology predicting method. will be read...

Parihara Pooja and Homam

With the help of tantric and vedic pandits, parihara Pooja and Homam would be..


Spritual Yantras can be offered with required poojas


Gemstones suggestion will be done based on the Birth Chart and Planet position

About us

Sri. T. Srinivasaraman Sarma, Sri Varahi Upasahar, Astrologer developed Astrovarahi with the purpose of assisting those in need of astrological advice online. We offer online astrology consultations through Astrovarahi as well as related services. Birth Chart Generation for Horoscope Predictions, Marriage Matching Reports, Newborn Baby Names according to Birth Time, and Gemstone Reports will be done online. Additionally, you can schedule a consultation directly with us.

Our Services

Predictions based on astrology will be calculated using birth charts and planet transits. predictions for careers in finance, life, education, and health Readings on marital compatibility are also possible with us.

Astrology Based
on Birth chart

Predictions based on astrology will be calculated using birth charts and planet transits.


It is an extremely ancient and conventional astrological predicting method.

Parihara Pooja and

It is an extremely ancient and conventional astrological predicting method.


Spiritual Yatras can be offered with the required poojas


Gemstone suggestions will be done based on the Birth Chart and Planet Position.


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